Thursday, March 16, 2006

Giving Feedback

Feedback is one of the most feared parts of life. You can get someone who only gives great feedback, only points out things that you do worng- or someone who gives nothing. None of these help the individual. Feedback is the absolute key part of anyone's development. For people who feel uncomfortable here is a 5 step approach
  1. Deal with feedback at the time - don't delay
  2. Start by asking if they have the time e.g May I ......
  3. State the facts and make it relevant to them so start with "When you...
  4. State the impact by using "Heres what happens.....
  5. Ask what they can do differently

If they are defensive don't worry, they have still received the feedback ! But be open to any feedeback they give you which may have caused their behavior. Remember, use this for both positive and adjusting feedback.....don't ignore positive improvements. The objective of the process is to help the indivdual not give your keep away from I think, I believe, I have noticed....that is about you not them. You should only refer to actual seen behavior and not hear say. Hope this you develop your people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At Carter Holt Harvey, a New Zealand manufacturing company, we developed a couple of tools to help leaders give feedback. They are similar to what you present here.