Monday, March 06, 2006

Computers and the Future

David Freedman in this months Inc Magazine, discusses how computers are progressing. They now say that they are on the verge of making a quantum leap in brainpower. New powerful software is emerging which can not only calculate or produce data, but can interpret it. Wow, now think about that for a minute - how much of your role is interpreting data ? In a few years, computers will be able to get meaning from the data and react to complex situations. So you read it here! - start thinking about how you need to develop. Your role will need to change with the emphasis on developing people, developing customer service, inspiring people to accept this change in technology early so that your company is a forerunner of using the technology not being scared about it. When you are thinking about your own development plan, target it to what you will need in the future not now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was luckily enough to have a draft of the inspiration I have now missed for sometime last night and feel more driven then ever today to follow my dreams and make
my goads a reality!