Monday, November 26, 2007

When you get stuck on a problem...

We all face it in business...we all cannot, at some time or another see the 'wood for the trees'. The problem is, in our desire to find the answer we don't stand back or relax.....allowing the answer to emerge. A lesson we can all learn is from the Archimedes approach to problem solving...

Syracuse's King gave Archimedes a problem to solve - namely to find out is the if the gold crown really was gold. He was stuck, didn't know what to do. He took a bath to relax and that is when the answer came - leading to the famous Eureka moment. He realised through the water level rising when he got in the bath, that this was the way to measure the crown's density.

As hard as it is, when faced with a dilemma often the best cause of action is to walk away, relax...let your brain have the chance to muse subconsciously.....doing that can provide you with your own Eureka moment!

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