Tuesday, October 24, 2006

How to build your personal brand

People often feel not valued, and unnoticed for all they do in the roles. Here are some tips on how you can build your personal brand
  1. Network - across lunch, in meetings, in corridors. Speak to people, ask them about what they are doing, what are their interests?
  2. Volunteer for projects, organising events.
  3. Have a success wall in your work area for e-mails that thank you, projects delivered, customer feedback
  4. Take in to your one to one a progress sheet on what you have achieved so far, and how you are tackling the next steps.
  5. Use Linkedin - if you want contact me !
  6. Gather through technorati or an RSS reader info on your company, market, competitors and share it with people.
  7. Always remember knowledge is not power - it is the sharing of it, that is!
  8. Remember to thank others in the company for work THEY have done well.
  9. Be true to yourself on your development needs no matter how difficult it is to admit it and spend time developing your skills.
  10. Ask for feedback - be brave with more negative comments, don't dismiss the points just the emotional words.

Just a few for starters....anyone got any more?

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